Your Child's First Dental Appointment

Proper dental care begins before the first tooth appears. Run a clean, damp washcloth over gums to remove harmful bacteria. That's right! You can't ignore their dental health just because baby teeth end up falling out. Family dentistry can help you out. At Family SmileCare Center in Cedar Rapids, IA, Drs. Amy Stodola and Renee Maikon provide pediatric care.

How to Care for Your Child's Teeth

Here are a few tips about how to care for your child's teeth:

  1. Brush their teeth with an infant toothbrush using water and a tiny bit of toothpaste to avoid them swallowing toothpaste.
  2. Talk with your dentist about fluoride and if your Cedar Rapids dentist agrees, you should definitely get your child fluoride treatment.
  3. When adjacent baby teeth erupt, you should begin flossing between them.
  4. When your child is about two years old, teach them how to brush their teeth. Family dentistry is very handy when it comes to educating yourself and your child on proper oral health care.
  5. Your child's first dental appointment should be as soon as their first tooth erupts.
  6. You should also begin taking your child to the dentist for regular checkups and professional dental cleanings.

So why take care of your child's teeth?

Well, because even babies can get tooth decay. There are a few things you can do to prevent hurting your child's dental hygiene:

  • Don't put your baby to sleep with a bottle because it may harm a baby's teeth.
  • Avoid sugary juices, formulas, or milk that stay on a baby's teeth and may break down enamel.
  • Switch your child from a bottle to a sippy cup when they are about six months to avoid liquid pooling around teeth.

Need to speak to your dentist?

Family dentistry is crucial when you want one dentist for the whole family. If you'd like to set up an appointment with Family SmileCare Center in Cedar Rapids, IA, call Drs. Amy Stodola and Renee Maikon at (319) 362-8657.

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Primary Location


7:00 am-6:00 pm


7:00 am-6:00 pm


7:00 am-6:00 pm


7:00 am-6:00 pm








What Our Clients Say About Us

  • "Visiting Family SmileCare Center gives my family and me more reasons to smile."
    The Johnson Family
  • "Dr. Stodola provided me with excellent care when I needed it the most."
    Jennifer R.